Friday, July 31, 2009

6th Gathering - O'Neal's / Young's / Big Chill / Sam Smith's

It was quite a treat to do a genuine Z6P ride in central London. On the afternoon of July 9th, with the help of local guides Chad, Adrian, and Aruna, we cut a sharp path through the heart of central London. We fueled up at O'neils, which is at the top of Carnaby St. right across from Turner's London office.

From O'Neil's we headed east into Soho Square where a band was setting up to play... but we were too pumped to hang around for that!

After Soho Sq., Chad led us throught the tight streets of China Town.

...and then across the Thames at Westminster... had to stop for photos here!

Then to Young's pub on Southbank, across from St. Paul's.

Chad giving his own gang sign in front of The Big Chill

We then went throught The City and the banking center and up Brick Lane to The Big Chill. After that we went to a Sam Smith Pub in Holburn before splitting off for home. Our London guides were fantastic in showing us Yanks how to trail double decker busses and navigate some pretty hairy round-a-bouts. Accordingly, it is with great pleasure that we annoint them as principles of Z6P(L) our first int'l branch.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

5th Gathering - Porter / Righteous Room

On June 26th we got the 5th gathering started at a great table out front of the Porter Beer Bar in L5P, where we could enjoy the setting sun and also keep an eye on our bikes.

Below is Elliot's "Reynoldstown Roadster" which made its first appearance with the Z6P this night.

After a short ride from Porters to the Righteous Room we surprised Z6P#205 with a crown and two birthday cakes.

4th Gathering - 97E / Corner Tavern / Elliot St. Pub/ Claremont

Our fourth meeting started with a large gathering at 97 Estoria, including Adrian from London, and involved deep exploration of 97E's selection of draft beer in pitcher form. We then moved on to Corner Tavern with our Latin American friends in tow. Wary of getting too bogged down, we headed through downtown Atlanta to Elliot Street Pub, our first foray outside Zone 6. After several brews a contingent headed over to the Claremont Lounge. In total, it was about a ten mile trip - Z6P's longest yet.

Adrian and Sharms demonstrate the new Z6P gang sign.

Z6P#666 gets a lot of value out of one lock.

At Elliot Street Pub - nice scooter, but I've been reminded that no scooters are allowed in Z6P rides.

Amazingly, we remembered the new gang sign 6 hours and lord knows how many beers later.

3rd Gathering - P'cheen

Our third meeting was at P'cheen, but due to poor weather was cut short and amounted to little more than a bicycle ride to happy hour.

2nd Gathering - Midway/Milltown Arms

The second outing on April 17th began at the Midway Pub in East Atlanta, where we saw our numbers triple, and our collective spirit soar free from societal oppression. We ended up subsidizing the Milltown Arms in Cabbagetown, with Hutch using his $25 voucher from a past trivia victory to buy several pitchers of PRB to the dismay of the more fancy beer drinkers within the gang (i.e., "wusses"). Still no battles with evil, but the search continues.

The cheap PBR pitchers obviously had taken effect at this point.

1st Gathering - Brewhouse / Star Bar

Our founding meeting was held at the Brewhouse on March 6, where we established the secret handshake and ended up cycling through the golf course at Candler Park. Despite our best efforts we could not find any evil to fight, but we did run up a serious tab at the Brewhouse and the Star Bar. Point being: we knew a formidable organization was in the making.