Tuesday, May 11, 2010

bike lessons from David Byrne in Atlanta

So in the midst of bike month, we also have the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) here visiting the ATL. I'm not exactly sure how they picked our fair city given our regular struggles with massive sprawl, as neatly wrapped up in this video, but hey, the Census shows folks are moving back into the city, so that has to be good, right?

Anywho, our music buddy David Byrne is here in Atlanta with CNU to give us a few cycling lessons. Not sure how he became the expert, but he is a damn fine musician who rides a bike in New York and wrote an entertaining book about it - Bicycle Diaries. Check out his interview and video with the NY Times where he talks about the beauty of riding a bike in the city. Gotta love how he set up that nice basket on front of his bike to hold his helmet.

Next Wednesday evening, May 19, he'll be on stage to enlighten us, and he'll be joined by a few other local experts, including Charles Brewer - the developer of Glenwood Park, a frequent Zone 6 Pedalers haunt. $25 in advance tickets doesn't seem so bad. Anyone going to check it out? Here's more info.

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